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Chapter Eight

The hotel was just across the street and a little way up the block. It wasn’t far but Tyler’s father insisted they take a cab. He wouldn’t hear of them getting colds because of the rain. So, they had taken a cab less than two blocks. Sarah was glad. Although she loved being outside, she didn’t love being in wet clothes. She hadn’t realized how sound proof the airport had been.

The rain was falling in sheets at a diagonal. The wind whipped the stop lights at angles that made Sarah think any minute they would fly off the wires and come crashing to the ground. The sky alternated every few minutes between lighting flashing and thunder cracking. It was definitely a powerful storm, and Sarah was glad they weren’t in a plane this evening.

When they arrived at the front of the hotel, the doorman held open the entrance door. The cab had parked under an awning in a drive-around area used to pick up and drop off passengers. Sarah grabbed her bag and stepped from the cab. She breathed deeply of the cool, damp air before going inside.

Mr. Williams paid the driver, then nodded a greeting to the doorman while thanking him for holding the door. He and Tyler stepped into the lobby and walked up to the front desk.

"May I help you, Sir?" Asked a young blonde woman. She couldn't have been much older than Tyler and herself, Sarah thought. Her name tag read 'Tina'. She gave Tyler a flirty smile, and Sarah felt herself bristle. Didn’t this girl know what men were like? They definitely didn’t need encouragement in that area. She tried to watch Tyler’s reaction out of the corner of her eye.

Tyler returned the flirtatious gesture with a weak smile. The young woman watched as Tyler turned away and walked over to where Sarah was standing. He took Sarah's bag from her and slung it over his shoulder. "Let me hold that for you while we wait." Sarah nodded and thanked him. Maybe he wasn’t like most guys. She didn’t dare look back at the girl behind the counter.

The young woman's attention was pulled back to Mr. Williams as he took out his credit card and signed for the rooms. When he was finished he led Tyler and Sarah to the elevators. Only then did Sarah allow herself a peek at ‘Tina’. There was a definite look of rejection on her face. Sarah felt bad for her, but smiled a little inside. There was definitely something different about Tyler.

“Ok,” Mr. Williams said, “our rooms are on the third floor. There’s a door that adjoins them, so if you need anything in the night, Sarah, you just knock and we’ll be right there to help you. And don’t worry, there’s a lock on your side so we can’t just come in unannounced.”

Sarah was relieved to hear that. One they were upstairs, she planned to spend the evening relaxing in the tub, then watching everything she could find on tv. She hadn’t watched tv in years. She didn’t even know what shows were on any more. The elevator arrived at their floor, and Mr. Williams led them to their rooms.

“Well, guess I’ll see you in the morning.” Tyler held out Sarah’s bag to her, and their hands brushed as she took it from him. Sarah was surprised at the feeling it caused in her. She glanced up at him and smiled meekly.

“Yeah, I’ll, uh, see you in the morning.” She took her key from Mr. Williams and walked into her room.


Sarah couldn’t believe how nice it was. She knew it would be way better than her little place at the library, but this? Wow. This was luxury. She had never stayed in a hotel before, and never expected her room to be anything like this. She stood for a few moments and drank in the comfort.

The colors were so warm and inviting. She quickly put down her bag in the small closet off the entryway and hung up her jacket. She kicked off her shoes as well and placed them neatly in the closet before closing the door. She wanted to go over every inch of this room so she wouldn’t miss a thing.

Sarah found herself facing in a small sitting area with a couch and a wingback chair placed so whomever sat on them could comfortably watch the tv in the corner cupboard. There was a coffee table in front of the couch that held magazines and the hotel informational folder. There were also a few brochures for local restaurants and places of interest.

Sarah walked to the couch and sat on it for a moment. She flipped through the brochures, not really looking at them. She just wanted the experience. She glanced at the side table which housed a telephone, a notepad with the hotel’s name on it, and a small lamp.
Sarah ran her hand over the soft material of the couch. She leaned back into the plush cushions and let herself be swallowed up in the moment. She relaxed a few moments, and then was overcome with curiosity about the rest of her room.

Across from the living area was a small counter complete with microwave above and mini-fridge beneath. A tiny sink was to the right of the microwave. Sarah opened the door of the fridge and saw it was stocked with juices and bottles of water. The cupboard above the tiny sink had a few packs of popcorn and some peanut butter crackers. She wasn’t hungry, but she might stick them in her bag for the weekend, if they were free.

Along the same wall to the right of this kitchenette was a locked dark wood door, much like the one she used to enter her room. Sarah knew it must be the door that connected her room with the Williams’. She turned directly around and faced a mirrored door. Surely it must be the bathroom. She was turning the knob, ready to check out the tub when her room phone rang.

Sarah crossed the plush carpeting and sat on the couch, leaning over the arm of it to answer. “Hello?” she said a little warily.

“Hey Sarah, sorry to bother you so soon after settling in.” It was Tyler. “Dad said to help yourself to the stuff in the fridge and the cupboards. It’s all included with the room. Uh, I hope you sleep well. If you need anything at all, just knock on the wood door next to your kitchen area. We can be there in a heartbeat.” He paused as if trying to think of something else to say and coming up with nothing. “Well, good night.”

“Thanks, Tyler. I’ll knock if I need anything. Good night to you too.” Sarah looked at the ceiling and hoped she wouldn’t sound dumb. “And please tell your Dad this is the nicest place I’ve ever been. I mean it. I’ve never seen such soft, pretty things. Or had my own bathroom. You guys have been so nice to me. I will never forget this. Ever.”

“It’s what Christians do, Sarah. We help when there’s a need, and we do our best to lead people to Jesus, so they can know Him and His love for themselves. That’s something you won’t ever forget. I hope you sleep well. We have a big weekend ahead of us. Good night.”

“Yeah, good night Tyler.” Sarah slowly hung up the phone. There was the mention of Jesus again. Just like Mrs. Lepley had shared with her that day at the library. Well, if being in this place and spending time with these people was a result of Jesus being in their lives, then maybe there was something to it after all.

Sarah rose from the couch and walked back to the bathroom door. It stood ajar now and she pushed it the rest of the way open. She couldn’t believe it. There was a full size whirlpool tub, a fluffy robe hanging on a hook next to it with slippers underneath, and six large bath towels folded neatly on the shelf above the toilet.

On the side of the tub there was a small dish that held various shampoos and soaps. Sarah opened and smelled them all. It would be hard to decide which to use in her bath, though she was partial to lavender. Every bit of this room was neat as a pin. Not one hint of mold or mildew in any of the tile grout. It was spic and span. Gorgeous.

The counter by the sink was equally nice. It ran the whole length of the wall, and looked like marble. There were tissues, a small container with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a shower cap. There was a dish similar to the one on the side of the tub holding lotions and powders with matching scents. In the corner nearest the door there was a radio with a CD player. Sarah walked to the middle of the room and did a three-sixty. Yes, every detail had been taken care of.
Even the first piece of toilet paper was folded neatly to a point.

When she had seen everything there was to see, Sarah decided it was time to check out the bedroom. She left the bathroom and turned right. The bedroom had it’s own door with a lock on it. She was glad of that.

Her bed, a queen size with six pillows and an overstuffed comforter, was beckoning to her. It was centered on the wall to her right, and a painting of lilies was centered above it. Sarah took a few steps back, then ran toward it and jumped into the middle. She landed on her stomach and sunk down into the softness.

On a bed like this she could sleep for a hundred years! It was probably a good thing she didn’t have a nice bed. She would never get up in time for school. Sarah rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. She let her eyes follow the pattern left in the plaster. She laced her fingers over her stomach and took a deep breath.

So many things to think about. Tyler, for one. Was he interested in her? He was very nice. Why had she felt a twinge of jealousy with that ‘Tina’ downstairs? They would never see her again, yet she felt like she had to put her claim on Tyler. It was ridiculous. She didn’t even know him. He was the quarterback of the football team, and he probably had lots of girls who were after him. Why should he like Sarah? She wasn’t anything special. And she didn’t believe in Jesus like Tyler did.

Her thoughts moved to Jesus. He seemed to be everywhere recently. It was who Mrs. Lepley prayed to, and who Mr. Williams and Tyler said they obeyed. Sarah had heard of Jesus, but didn’t really know anything about Him. Did He really love all people the way he loved the Williams? He had given them a nice life, and they seemed like they were happy. But did Jesus love people like her? People who had been abused, neglected and unloved by their own parents, and used by men?

Sarah felt dirty. She knew the things that had happened to her had been wrong, but she hadn’t really had a choice. Did that matter to Jesus? Maybe it was her fault those things happened.

Sarah sat up on the bed and let her legs dangle over the side. She walked to the large window and looked out over the traffic. Lights from far away buildings twinkled in the dark. Lightning continued to flash and thunder cracked, though it was happening less often. The storm was fading, and that was a good thing. Sarah just wished the storm of her thoughts would calm.

She glanced at the clock on the bureau. It was already eight o’clock. If she were going to take a long bath she should get to it.


Anonymous said...

You def have a talent! If you publish the book I will buy it :)

WendyMom said...

Excellent- but maybe a little long on the description of the hotel room? Since i assume you're trying to focus on her mounting introspection about Jesus and spiritual things, the hotel description being so long is distracting- to me anyway.

Of course, I've never written like you- so take it with a grain of salt!

Love ya'-