Forward By the Author

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Chapter Twenty

Sarah was reminded of the stories in the Bible she had read, and how Jesus had told even the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more. She decided she trusted the Williams men. If Jesus had truly forgiven her sin, then her past didn’t matter. So, she told them her story, including how Mrs. Lepley had been there for her. They both sat in awe taking in the horrible details that comprised Sarah’s youth.

When she was finished with her story, she found she felt relieved they knew. Maybe they were going to be special friends God had brought to her. Whatever the case, she was glad she’d told them. She felt a new freedom. No more hiding from her past. If it was going to make her stronger, she couldn’t keep running from it.

Mr. Williams was the first to speak. “Sarah I’m very sorry for all that you’ve been through. You’re a very brave young woman. I’m so glad you’ve found a new life in Christ.” He reached into his inside jacket pocket. “If there’s ever anything you need, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call. Here’s my card.”

Mr. Williams handed her an expensive looking business card. She glanced at it briefly, but noticed he was a lawyer.

“Thanks.” Sarah said. “I’ve never told anyone about my life before. Some people know I was abused, but no one knew how bad, or that I had run away. I really appreciate you being so nice to me. It kinda renews my faith in men.”

They smiled at one another then packed up and headed toward the gate. Their flight would be leaving in forty-five minutes. Tyler again carried her bag.

They chose seats in front of the large windows facing the runway, and Sarah couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she remembered how Tyler had approached her at their first meeting. Had it truly been only two days ago?

She stole a glance at Tyler and decided she definitely wanted to spend more time with him. The thought sent a shy smile to her face, and she looked away.

“Ok,” he said catching her expression. “What’s so funny? Do I have something in my teeth?” He made a goofy face. “Maybe my hair is sticking up?” He pawed the top of his head. Then he looked Sarah in the eye and said “What gives?”

Sarah didn’t dare tell him. So she decided to tell him she was just thinking. Then she asked about his church.

Tyler gave her a skeptical glance, but told her all about his church. Then he said if she’d ever like to go, he’d be happy to pick her up.

“I’d like that.” She said. They sat a few moments in silence, and Sarah was about to give away her thoughts when the flight attendant called their row for boarding.

They moved along in the line, then Mr. Williams said “You two haven’t really gotten to know one another, so Sarah, why don’t you take my seat on the flight back. Then you two can chat. I need to make review some business and prepare for court tomorrow.”

Tyler and she looked at one another. Sarah smiled warily. What if Tyler didn’t want to sit with her? “Ok, if you’re sure.” She said.

“I’d say the smile on Ty’s face more than confirms the wisdom of my decision.” Mr. Williams and Sarah laughed as Tyler blushed. Inside, Sarah’s smile was as big as Tyler’s.


Once they were settled, Sarah and Tyler sat in awkward silence. It felt strange to be without Tyler’s dad. As it turns out, Sarah’s original seat was considerably farther back in the plane this time, so Mr. Williams was well out of sight. Sarah wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

They sat patiently through the mandatory flight attendant announcements and safety regulations. Tyler mimicked their movements, and made Sarah laugh. She playfully slapped his arm and whispered for him to stop. The brief contact with his skin sent sparks up her arm. Had he felt it too?

“So,” Sarah began when the speech was finally over. “What would you like to talk about?”

Tyler looked over at her and smiled. “Well, now that I’ve won the car from Dad for a month of Saturdays, how about we go out next weekend?”

Sarah was surprised he had asked her so boldly. She didn’t answer right away. Was he asking her out because he felt sorry for her? She couldn’t believe he would want to date her after hearing her life story just a while ago.

“That is,” Tyler added quickly to fill the silence. “if you want to. I mean, I’ll totally understand if you don't. We can be friends. I’m cool with that. I just thought maybe…”

Sarah laughed and cut him off before he made a complete fool of himself. “I’d love to. I’ve never been on a date before.”

It was Tyler’s turn to be surprised. “Never? Not even once? But you’re so…” he stopped himself.

“I’m so what?” Sarah asked innocently, though she thought she could fill in the blanks.

Tyler was saved from answering by the arrival of the flight attendant offering them a snack and beverage. After she stepped away, they both sat in silence, munching on blue corn chips.

“What’re you gonna do when you get back?” Tyler asked.

Sarah shrugged. I’ll probably unpack and then find something for dinner. Mrs. Lepley’s picking me up and she promised me a birthday surprise. I have no idea what that means, but she may take me out for dinner.”

Tyler looked disappointed. “Oh, that sounds nice.” He paused, thinking. “What do you want to do on Saturday?” he asked.

“I don’t know. What do people do on dates?” Sarah asked sincerely. “I’ve never really been anywhere or done anything, so pretty much whatever you choose will be a first for me.”

Tyler seemed as though he didn’t know what to say. “Alright then. I’ll surprise you.” He smiled and Sarah could almost see the wheels turning in his mind.

She decided to get the focus off their date. “You know all about me now, so would you tell me how you met Jesus,
Tyler? I really would like to hear your story.”

Tyler shifted in his seat to more comfortably face her. “Sure. We weren’t always one big happy family. My dad was always busy with work and seemed we kids were just in his way.”

“We kids? How big is your family anyway?” Sarah interrupted.

“Oh yeah. Guess I haven’t told you much about us, have I? Well, there’s my younger brother Nate who’s fifteen, the eight year old twins Amy and Jessica, and the baby, Josh. Though he’s not a baby anymore. He’s six. Oh, and me. Five altogether.

“Anyway, my parents were ready to divorce. My mom was so tired of being alone with my brother and I, and she never saw my dad. Sure, we had a nice house and everything we wanted, but none of us were happy.

“One Sunday my mom finally gave in to my aunt, and decided church couldn’t do us any harm/ So we went. My dad didn’t go, he was out of town on business. My mom, who was hurting and in desperate need of love, gave her heart to Jesus. Though I was only eight at the time, I remember thinking I wouldn’t believe in any of it until it fixed things at home.”

Tyler paused to finish his water before the flight attendant came to collect their garbage.

“For the next two years my mom went to church faithfully, and brought me and my brother along. I had fun in my class and had made friends, but I really wanted my Dad to come. He wouldn’t.

“Christmas of that second year my brother and I were in the church play. My mother had us pray and pray that Dad would come. I had my doubts, but prayed to please my mom. He night before the play, my dad decided to come.

“During the short message our pastor shared, my dad, to quote him: ‘Finally swallowed my foolish pride and gave myself over to the Savior’s loving call.’ And I have to say that day changed our lives.

“My Dad became interested in me as a person, my parents didn’t fight all the time, and my dad cut back at work. Didn’t take long before Jesus convinced me too.

“I had just turned eleven when I asked my Dad a bunch of questions about Jesus and the Gospel. Right next to my bed that night I repented of my sin and invited Christ into my heart. It’s been a pretty sweet deal.”

Sarah took all the information in for a moment. So Jesus could heal families too. Maybe there was hope for hers after all.

“That’s a beautiful story, Tyler. To see you and your dad together, I’d never have guessed you weren’t always close. That’s great.” Sarah told him.

“Well, sometimes I have to admit it gets a little overwhelming. Sometimes I need a little space. I know my dad’s still trying to make up for lost time, but I’m really ok with it. I’m not that little boy without a daddy anymore.”

Tyler leaned his head back on the seat. “I can’t wait to get to college so I’ll have my own space. I need to prove to my dad I’m not ten anymore.”

Sarah understood about needing to get away from your parents- but not because they showed too much love. She couldn’t fathom such a thing.

They sat in comfortable silence for the remainder of the flight. Since there were no stops this time, their final goodbye would be at the exit of the plane.

Sarah found it hard thinking of parting ways. She’d just met the Williams men, but felt they were already more like family than anyone she’d known. Saying goodbye wouldn’t be easy, even though she’d see Tyler again in less than a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to the other two chapters you wrote?